Amos Brocco
Country: Switzerland
Position: Lecturer-Researcher
Affiliations: Institute for Information Systems and Networking
Department of Innovative Technologies
University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland
Address: Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
Polo universitario Lugano - Campus Est
Via la Santa 1
CH-6962 Lugano - Viganello

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Email (Work): amos _dot_ brocco _at_ supsi _dot_ ch
Email (Private): me _at_ amosbrocco _dot_ ch member since 24.08.2007
Updating my activities

27 May 2024
Moved to new provider (Infomaniak)

14 May 2023
I've updated the publication list, adding download links :)

12 Jan 2023
TikiTaka (tachistoscopio brani gratuito) ->

05 Apr 2022
Check out Melda CRDT ->

24 Aug 2017
Poma Pure released! ->

17 Jun 2016
one...two... three :)

02 Jul 2013
New pictures in the gallery... Vienna, New York, Denver, Heidelberg, and some experiments...

The secret:

The result of 9 + 1 plus ¾ (don't forget the decimals) ?

The comment (maximum 180 characters, no tags):

Disclaimer: all information found in these pages is my personal and professional opinion, and it does not necessarily reflect the opinion of my current employer.
Amos Brocco © 1981-2024 Home CV Publications Projects Teaching Pictures